Monday, January 30, 2012

In Iraq there are many customs that Americans would not consider as normal.

When meeting new people in Iraq, it is important that you never offer your left hand in a hand shake.
Also, you must never point at a person with 1 finger.  Pointing with 1 finger is offensive to Iraqi's so instead you must point with all 5 fingers.
At a dinner, you should never discuss business.
When having a business meeting it is traditional to have long handshakes.

Gift Giving Etiquette
  • If you are invited to an Iraqi’s home, bring a box of cookies, pastries or a box of chocolates. A fruit basket is also appreciated.
  • Flowers are being given more and more but only to a hostess.
  • If a man must give a gift to a woman, he should say that it is from his wife, mother, sister, or some other female relation.
  • A small gift for the children is always a good touch.
  • Gifts are given with two hands.
  • Gifts are generally not opened when received.